Ben Sullender
I’m a spatial ecologist living and working in Alaska. With over a decade of professional experience in geographic information systems (GIS) and biology, I’m a proficient data wrangler, geospatial analyst, cartographer, landscape ecologist, independent researcher, and scientific author.
My work has taken me across the globe, from interviewing Maasai pastoralists about human-wildlife conflict in east Africa to modeling waterbird habitat in a threatened Chinese wetland to mapping native reptile populations in New Zealand.
Alaska’s been my home for years now. I love getting to explore and connect with the same vast landscapes I study, whether I’m hiking, splitboarding, packrafting, bike-packing, surfing, or rock climbing. Through multi-week wilderness trips and professional work alike, my overarching passion is to better understand and to ultimately conserve Alaska’s irreplaceable wild places.
Some highlights so far
Peer-reviewed publications
Prugh, L. R., J. D. Lundquist, B. K. Sullender, C. X. Cunningham, J. Dechow, B. L. Borg, P. J. Sousanes, S. Stehn, and M. T. Durand. 2024. Landscape heterogeneity buffers the impact of an extreme weather event on wildlife. Communications Biology 7:1515.
Sullender, B. K., C. X. Cunningham, J. D. Lundquist, and L. R. Prugh. 2023. Defining the danger zone: critical snow properties for predator-prey interactions. Oikos 2023: e09925: [pdf]
Kapsar, K., B. K. Sullender, J. Liu, and A. Poe. 2022. North Pacific and Arctic marine traffic dataset (2015-2020). Data in Brief 44: 108531. [pdf]
Cunningham, C.X., T.A. Nuñez, Y. Hentati, B. K. Sullender, C. Breen, T.R. Ganz, S.E. Kreling, K. Shively, E. Reese, J. Miles, and L.R. Prugh. 2022. Permanent daylight saving time would reduce deer-vehicle collisions. Current Biology 32(22): 4982-4988e4. [pdf]
Fullman, T. J., B. K. Sullender, M. Cameron, and K. Joly. 2021. Simulation modeling accounts for uncertainty while quantifying ecological effects of development alternatives. Ecosphere 12: e03530. [pdf]
Sullender, B. K., K. Kapsar, A. Poe, and M. Robards. Spatial management measures alter vessel behavior in the Aleutian Archipelago. 2021. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:579905. [pdf]
Sullender, B. K., J. Barzen, and J. Silbernagel. 2020. Effects of seasonal hydrological connectivity on Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) foraging ecology. SIS Conservation 2: 01-11. [pdf]
Huntington, H. P., S. Bobbe, A. Hartsig, E. J. Knight, A. Knizhnikov, A. Moiseev, O. Romanenko, M. A. Smith, and B. K. Sullender. 2019. The role of areas to be avoided in the governance of shipping in the greater Bering Strait region. Marine Policy 110:103564. [pdf]
Smith, M. A., B. K. Sullender, W. C. Koeppen, K. J. Kuletz, H. M. Renner, and A. J. Poe. 2019. An assessment of climate change vulnerability for Important Bird Areas in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Arc. PLoS One 14(4): e0214573. [pdf]
Hartsig, A., B. K. Sullender, and S. Bobbe. 2019. Managing vessel traffic in the Bering Strait region: collaborating on a precautionary approach. Arctic Herald 2(27): 18-29 (in Russian and English). [pdf]
Sullender, B. K., J. Barzen, and J. Silbernagel. 2016. Foraging success and habitat selection of the Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) at Poyang Lake, China. Waterbirds 39:356-364. [pdf]
Media, interviews, press coverage, and non-scientific writing
Crude Conversations. 2019. Episode 036 with Ben Sullender. [link] [embedded on the right]
Anchorage Daily News. 2018. ConocoPhillips’ Willow prospect advances with review effort by federal government. [link]
Alaska Public Media. 2018. Interior official: ‘millions’ more acres in NPR-A to open for oil development. [link]
Peninsula Clarion. 2017. Mountains to Sea Partnership looks to conserve river corridors. [link]
Edge Effects. 2016. Building an Arctic Atlas. [link]
Souvenirs Magazine. 2015. Disrepair and the draw of Gunung Rinjani. [link]
MongaBay. 2014. Hunting is a greater threat than logging for most wildlife in Borneo. [link]
Conferences and memberships
I love talking with biologists, ecologists, conservationists, and spatially minded folks. I’ve presented and co-authored presentations at:
The Society for Conservation Biology (North American Congress and International Congress)
International Association for Landscape Ecology (North American Congress and World Congress)
Ecological Society of America
American Ornithology Conference
Alaska Bird Conference
Arctic Biodiversity Congress
The Wildlife Society Conference
Society for Conservation GIS International Conference